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Microwave health effects is a juncture where Department of Defense and environmental concerns collide and part ways. The CIA and DOD “security” concerns metamorphosized into research and development of invisible weapons capable of impacting on health and psychological processes. At times, up to 70-80% of the research was funded by the military. Security concerns, according to Sam Koslov of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), first prompted U.S. A source at the State Department informally admitted that excessive radiation had been leaking from his telephone; an American high frequency radio transmitter on the roof of the building had, when operating, induced high frequency signals well above the U.S. The 4.5 theta rhythm that he applied was the natural reoccuring frequency that he had measured in the hippocampus during a phase of avoidance learning. Does it follow that an EEG modulated carrier frequency can be used to enhance human avoidance learning?
Eastern Europe that study both effects of microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation. The Soviets began research on biological effects of microwaves in 1953. A special laboratory was set up at the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1976, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a report in which they attributed the results of Dr. Frey’s studies to the Soviets. Stoessel’s office. No doubt, National Security Agency or CIA electronic devices also contributed to the electromagnetic environment at the embassy, although values for these were never released, as they are secret. It is vital to have efficient surveillance systems in the office building to ensure the safety. Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, was commissioned in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes including “riot control,” clandestine operations and hostage removal. According to Dr. Frey, who acknowledges that his work was misattributed, he had thought up the projects himself.
Who are they using it on now? Dr. Ross Adey, formerly of the Brain Research Center at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, now at Loma Linda University Medical School, Loma Linda, California, was among the first of the Pandora researchers. ORA Corporation and Cornell University. From 1965 to 1970, a study dubbed Project Pandora was undertaken to determine the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves, the so-called “Moscow signal” registered at the American Embassy in Moscow. Ross Adey induces calcium efflux in brain tissue with low power level fields (a basis for the CIA and military’s “confusion weaponry”) and has done behavioral experiments with radar modulated at electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms. Years ago, in the halls of science, complaints could be heard that Soviet experiments regarding bio-effects couldn’t be duplicated due to insufficient details in their scientific literature, although, according to one DOD official, 75% of the U.S. Employees first learned of the irradiation ten years after Project Pandora began.
In fact, due to the finding of startling effects, DARPA’s security became even tighter, and a new code name – “Bizarre” – was assigned to the project. Scientists even questioned, with McCarthy like sentiments, whether the Soviets were attempting to frighten or disinform with false scientific reporting of bio-effects. Interestingly, some scientists funded by the DOD or CIA to research and develop invisible electromagnetic weapons have voiced strong concern (perhaps even superior knowledge or compensatory to guilt) over potentially serious consequences of environmental exposures. CIA agents asked scientists involved in microwave research whether microwaves beamed at humans from a distance could affect the brain and alter behavior. In fact, many components of learning or conditioning including affect (i.e., “feeling” or emotional states) can be imposed through use of the fields from a distance. Did the rhythms that he chose to apply have special significance with relation to information processing or conditioning?